Caramore Community’s goal for every person who walks through our doors is to assist them as they work to develop the skills they need for independence and purpose. Some of the biggest hurdles to managing severe and persistent mental illness come from not having a stable foundation to build upon, especially when it comes to the key needs of employment, housing, and community resources.
Our transitional services for adults with severe and persistent mental illness are designed to create structure and definition in key areas of life, so our members can become more self-sufficient and fulfilled. We care for the whole person, not just one part of the illness. Together, we help people living with severe and persistent mental illness in North Carolina to create their own personalized roadmap for independent living.
“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”
Is It Time To Make A Change?
Are you ready to achieve your own important goals? Are you looking for that next step on your road to recovery? Through our employment services, transitional housing, and peer support program, Caramore offers individualized programs that can help you overcome the barriers to successful futures. We start where you are and help you work to get where you want to be.
If you
Are diagnosed with a severe and persistent mental illness or a substance use disorder
Struggle to manage your day-to-day life (budgeting, scheduling, hygiene, organization)
Have a desire to be independent and to accomplish your goals
Are focused on your recovery and are ready to make lasting and meaningful change
Want to work, but don’t know how to get back to employment
We’re here to assist you in your recovery.
We advocate for our members, working alongside them as they learn the skills that will transform their lives. At Caramore, we believe that everyone deserves an opportunity to accomplish their goals —
even if you’ve dealt with hospital stays, incarceration, or homelessness in the past.
What Do I Do Next?
If you think you or someone you know is ready for Caramore, the first step is to find a program that fits best with your current needs. We offer a variety of services that benefit different stages of recovery. We offer Peer Support services to support achievement of your goals, including achieving and maintaining abstinence from substances and enrollment and/or completion of education. We offer Vocational and Transitional services to support you in achieving stable employment and independence. Call us now at 919-967-3402 for more info!
Vocational Rehabilitation
Finding a job is hard. Our Vocational Rehabilitation program allows you to access immediate and paid employment while focusing on personal and professional development. We follow your lead and offer the amount of support you need — including transportation, training, and on-the-job assistance.
Transitional Housing
Everyone deserves a home base. Our community based, fully integrative Transitional Housing programs help you learn how to live independently and to achieve your personal goals. No matter your history, you can leave your old patterns behind and transition to a life beyond your diagnosis.
Peer Support
The best guidance comes from people who “get it.” Our hands-on, evidence based Peer Support program is led by people who have been where you are and made it to the other side. We work with you one-on-one to create an individualized plan to achieve your goals. If you’re ready to make changes on your own but need some extra help, Peer Support may work for you.
Individual Support Services
Sometimes you need a little extra help. Individual Support Services provide assistance with managing tasks for daily life, so independence can become a reality. We help our members build skills like preparing meals, doing laundry, and medication management. This short-term support leads to long-term success.
Ready to join a Caramore Program?
Contact us for more information…
Work Adjustment Services
Getting back to employment is a process. Our Work Adjustment crews, Caraflora and Caraclean, help our members prepare to confidently re-enter the work force. In Work Adjustment, we strike a balance between a production oriented environment and a supportive training environment.
Think your patient might be a good fit for Caramore?Are you ready to work towards making a change in your life?
Learn more about our referral process for healthcare professionals