Caring for the whole person,
impacting a whole community 

Helping people living with mental illness
build fulfilling, stable, independent lives 

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For people with severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI), achieving the goal of a stable life can often seem just out of reach. Caramore’s person-centered, recovery-focused, community-integrated services create a safe and supportive environment where members can build skills, gain employment, and become self-sufficient. If you are ready to work for your goals, Caramore is ready to help!

Our mission is to empower adults living with severe and persistent mental illness in North Carolina with the tools to lead meaningful and independent lives. 


Discover how Caramore can help you or your loved one take the first step towards independence


How it Works

Caramore’s transitional programs are designed as a springboard for adults managing severe and persistent mental illness. Other organizations treat mental illness recovery in pieces rather than as a whole. Our comprehensive, personalized program starts by making sure our members have their basic needs met first, including:


When people are experiencing unemployment, homelessness, and/or hunger, a stable life is almost impossible. We work to eliminate the obstacles people with severe and persistent mental illness face, so they can take the first steps towards success in employment and beyond. 


Our proven system is designed for people who want to engage in the process of recovery. We provide the framework, members do the work.

  1. Meet Basic Needs 

  2. Set Attainable Goals 

  3. Work towards achieving goals 

Work is at the very core of contemporary life for most people, providing financial security, personal identity, and an opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to community life.


of members
successfully graduate within a year

Are you ready to work towards
making a change in your life?

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Why it Matters

Mental health is still seeking the recognition it deserves in our society; 5 out of the 10 leading causes of disability are due to mental health issues. Mental illness impacts all types of people across all demographics — impacting an estimated 40 million people in the US alone. 

And behind every diagnosis, there’s a person in need of understanding and support. 

Without sufficient help to ensure their needs are being met, people can start to feel left out or left behind.

Caramore is working to change that by

  • Providing the space, structure, and support that allows individuals to grow and thrive 

  • Combatting the stigma for people with severe and persistent mental illness 

  • Removing barriers to employment to people with severe and persistent mental illness and those managing substance use disorders

  • Giving individuals with severe and persistent mental illness a purpose and identity 

  • Strengthening our communities for everyone 


Ready to share your time and talents
to help end the stigma of mental illness?
